I will be on a brief hiatus until I reach California.
Keep in touch, I’ll be back in a week or two.
I will be on a brief hiatus until I reach California.
Keep in touch, I’ll be back in a week or two.
Posted by
Michael Fagans
2:19 PM
Jay Bookman in his editorial piece 'When myths take priority over the facts' recently wrote that:
Nations, businesses and institutions also create and live by mythologies. To cite an example uncomfortably close to home, newspapers have long embraced the mythology — backed by some 500 years of history — that what we do is indispensable to an informed society. That mythology has now been exploded with the arrival of the Internet, pushing the industry into a desperate search for a narrative that better fits the world around us. We are coming to realize that if you ever let your mythology become too distant from how the world really works, you're in trouble.
Bizarrely, the enormous audience drift from print to the online space is seen in some photojournalistic circles as a 'crisis'...it ignores the massive audience potential of the Internet and seeks to solve the crisis, by retreating further into a hermetically sealed world of books, galleries and subsidies from various grants and competitions.
The Fourth Screen & the Seventh Mass Media...
Visual audience evolution in four screens:
1/ Cinema
2/ Television
3/ Computer
4/ Online handheld devices, like the just announced Apple 'iPhone'
The potential audiences to be reached by visual material is potentially mind boggling in a new age of consumer defined media consumption - people will increasingly obtain visual information at times, places and in types of their choosing, NOT defined by the schedules of TV channels, or the print runs of newspapers.
It also represents a possible huge audience for photojournalism, perhaps surpassing the previous print audience...if we make efforts to engage with them via this route.
By going on the Internet, the news industry has become subject to Moore's law (things entering the market in two years time will have double the capacity of the stuff being released today).
Many newsrooms are bothered by introducing new tools and routines. They better start enjoying it, because as from now, as soon as they have made a change, they need start planning for changing it again.
Posted by
Michael Fagans
8:46 AM
Richard Koci Hernandez, deputy photo editor and multimedia guru at the San Jose Mercury News, just posted results for his first online multimedia contest on multimediashooter.com. I loved the fact that there were 'no stinking rules' and that his comments and categories are somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
That being said he posted some very interesting projects that are worth experiencing, learning from and getting inspired by. In the end, or what links them is the sense of storytelling and pushing boundaries in different directions and with different approaches. But the sense of exploration is palpable.
Chad Stevens placed for BEST INDIE FILM APPROACH with his Buffalo Creek.
Scott Lewis garnered BEST PHOTOGRAPHY for his Arm Wrestling.
Susanna Frohman’s MOST INNOVATIVE APPROACH project called The Shape of Life really breaks out of the mold of most multimedia projects.
David Duncan’s SHORTEST SOUNDSLIDES EVER! B52 Fly over works in an odd sort of way.
Craig Kohlruss BEST USE OF AUDIO NARRATIVE for Cookseyville demonstrates how a powerful audio track can really carry a package.
Big congrats to Andrew Dolph for his BEST USE OF SOUNDSLIDES On Wrestling project that I critiqued. Well done Andrew. I believe it is his earlier edit.
Poh Si Teng, Matthew Raiche, Kirstina Sangsahachart, Justin Mott, Lauren Chin created the BEST DESIGNED/CHAPTERED SOUNDSLIDES Traversing Blindness which has a great interface and thoughtful design. I love the Braille.
Finally Kari Collins has the BEST AUDIO/PHOTO EDIT for her It's All Relative. It is a great slice of life package, well photographed. I really like the way she uses ‘blank’ slides to change the pace of the project.
If you want a laugh Patrick Yen and fakemustaches.org visit the upper left link for video.
Posted by
Michael Fagans
11:52 AM